Bike to School Day
You are invited to join fellow Wenonah and Keewaydin families for the LNCS Bike Bus.
Minneapolis Bike Parks and Lake Nokomis Community Schools are teaming up to organize a bike to school day for both the Wenonah and Keewaydin campuses.
There are two ways participate:
1) Ride to Wenonah or Keewaydin with the famous LNCS Bike Bus.
2) Ride to Wenonah and/or Keewaydin on your own.
That's right, a Bike Bus!
A bike bus is a group of people riding their bikes to a common location. Typically, the bike bus starts with a couple riders, but at each stop along the way more people join. By the time we get to school we will have a bunch of classmates riding together. In the past we have had well over 100 participants.
We start on 52nd St at Hiawatha Ave (at Agrarian Seed and Garden) and work our way to Wenonah picking up riders at designated stops along the way, Keewaydin students will peel off at 30th Ave.
See the schedule and map below to determine where it makes the most sense for you to join the Bike Bus. We encourage as many folks as possible to join from the start, it's just WAY more fun that way.
Schedule for LNCS Bike Bus:
8:15 AM: Rendezvous at Agrarian Seed and Garden (47th Ave and 52nd St), this is where most people like to join the ride
8:30 AM: Leave from Agrarian Seed and Garden
8:35 AM: Stop 1: 40th Ave and 52nd St
8:40 AM: Stop 2: 35th Ave and 52nd St
8:45 AM: Stop 3: 30th Ave and 52nd St (Arrive at Keewaydin School)
8:50 AM: Stop 4: 26th Ave and 52nd St
8:55 AM: Stop 5: 54th St and Shoreview Ave
9:00 AM: Arrive at Wenonah School via 23rd Ave
Note: Times are all estimates, the bike bus generally moves a little quicker than expected so arrive at your stop early.
Because of various after school activities there will not be a bike bus for the ride home after school. Parents are responsible for making sure their child and child's teacher know how the student will be getting home from school- include a note if it's different than usual.
**Parents are responsible for making safe choices for getting their children safely to and from school. All participants must wear bike helmets.
**Remember a bike lock!
I don't have a lock?
Don't worry about it, volunteers will have locks and be available before and after school to make sure bikes are secure during the day.
My child usually rides the bus home, but today they will be biking home, should I tell their teacher?
Yes, parents need to contact their child's teacher if they want their child to go somewhere different than their normal after school schedule (eg. should your child go to parent pick up rather than to the bus?).
I can't be there for the ride home, can we still participate?
That is fine, you have options. Your child can do what they do everyday after school and you can pick their bike up at your convenience. You could pick up your child and their bike at the end of the day. Please make sure your kiddo and their teacher know your plan.​
I can't participate, can my child still ride?
Yes, if you are comfortable with your child riding on their own, with the bike bus in the morning, that is fine. Remember, there will not be a bike bus after school.
This sounds rad, but what if it rains?
We agree, this does sound rad, and we would like to have as many people participating as possible, so in the event of heavy rain we will postpone the ride to the following Friday.